Woman Shamed by Other Moms for Looking Good Without Filler

Amee Gleadel, a 35-year-old mother, has been facing criticism from other moms for simply looking good. But it’s not just her appearance that ignites jealousy, it’s the fact that she doesn’t rely on fillers to enhance her natural beauty.

Living in Lincoln, East Midlands, Amee believes that other mothers are envious of her looks. She takes pride in her appearance and wears stylish clothing and jewelry daily. Despite being a natural beauty, she doesn’t wear much makeup.

Amee maintains a good figure and prefers wearing dresses and sandals, embracing her role as a “natural mom.” Her regular pedicures even include glittery toes. However, Amee emphasizes that her self-care routine isn’t solely about outward appearance, but rather about feeling better and maintaining happiness.

When attending baby classes, Amee notices the judgmental stares she receives from other moms. She believes their disdain stems from jealousy. She shared, “People are judging me because I haven’t got my lip fillers in or had my hair all done.”

After giving birth to her 15-month-old son, Amee was determined to regain a fit physique so she could actively play with him in the park. Rather than indulging in coffee and cake like many mothers, she prioritizes regular gym workouts, morning yoga, and swimming sessions.

Another reason Amee feels judged by other mothers is her refusal to step out in old, unfashionable clothes. She can’t fathom why others neglect their appearance and why they can’t be bothered by it.

Amee also faces scrutiny for breastfeeding her son in public and at work. As a remote catering business owner, she often cooks with her son on her hip. When she breastfeeds in public, she encounters uncomfortable stares from men and judgment from other mothers. Amee firmly believes that breastfeeding is a natural act and shouldn’t require her to cover up.

Amee’s 28-year-old husband appreciates her personality and supports her unapologetic approach to life. She embraces her role as a mother and partner, doing her best to excel in both.