Stephen Hawking’s Answer on Believing in God

As we grow older, many of us start to question our beliefs and ponder about the existence of a higher power. This is an age-old debate that has captivated minds for centuries. One person who was frequently asked about his beliefs in God was the renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking.

Stephen Hawking Had A Simple Answer When Asked If He Believed In God

Stephen Hawking’s Simple Answer

Stephen Hawking, known for his groundbreaking work on black holes and the theory of relativity, had a simple answer when asked whether he believed in God. He once said, “I don’t believe in a personal God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings, but I do believe in the power of science to explain the universe.”

The Power of Science

Hawking’s response highlights his faith in the power of science to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Instead of turning to religion for answers, Hawking placed his trust in scientific knowledge and theories. He believed that through scientific exploration and discovery, we could understand the fundamental workings of the universe.

Engaging with the Universe

As we age, it’s natural to seek answers to life’s big questions. Some find solace in religion, while others find comfort in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. Both paths offer us a chance to engage with the universe and understand our place within it.


Stephen Hawking’s answer on believing in God reflects his deep-rooted faith in science and its ability to explain the mysteries of the universe. Whether we turn to religion or science, the journey of exploration and understanding is what matters most. As we navigate through life, let us embrace the questions that arise and seek enlightenment in whatever path resonates with us personally.