Shakira’s Disapproval of Barbie Movie

We all have opinions, and sometimes even celebrities can’t hold back from expressing theirs. Recently, Shakira had some not-so-nice things to say about the movie Barbie. In fact, she called it “emasculating” and revealed that even her sons hated it.

Now, just because Shakira didn’t like the movie doesn’t mean it wasn’t successful. In fact, it made more money than any other film in 2023 and ranks 14th in the list of highest-grossing films of all time. Clearly, it was popular, considering it earned a staggering $1.4 billion at the box office.

However, controversy surrounded the movie as well. Some individuals on the right wing took issue with the film’s message and script. Ben Shapiro even went on a lengthy rant on YouTube, going as far as burning Ken and Barbie dolls to make his point. Even Elon Musk chimed in with negative tweets, jokingly suggesting that viewers take a shot every time Barbie mentions the word “patriarchy” and predicted they would pass out before the movie ended.

Shakira is the latest celebrity to voice her disapproval of the film, highlighting its emasculating nature. She explained, “My sons absolutely hated it. They felt that it was emasculating. And I agree, to a certain extent. Iā€™m raising two boys. I want them to feel powerful too, while also respecting women.”

She further expressed her view on pop culture, stating, “I like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide. I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity.”

Shakira believes that men and women have different roles in society that complement each other, and this complement should not be lost.

While there was a fair share of negative talk surrounding the movie, it also received praise and multiple award nominations. In the end, it’s up to each individual to decide whether they like it or not.