Kim Kardashian’s Struggles as a Single Mom

Most of us have a perception of Kim Kardashian as being superficial, but there are times when we get a glimpse beneath the surface. Recently, on an episode of The Kardashians, she opened up about the challenges of being a mother of four without a partner.

Kim Kardashian Loses It When Discussing The Trials Of Being A Single Mom

Kim Kardashian spoke about her four children, North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm, who range in age from 5 to 10. All of her children were born to her ex, Kanye West. Being a single mom can be overwhelming at times, especially when everything seems to go wrong at home.

“I am a single mom of four, and it is wild. Sometimes I feel like my kids have this radar where they know I’m doing something really important. I thought I was going to end up on an episode of Snapped yesterday,” she shared.

There was a particularly chaotic day when Kim had to lock herself in the bathroom because her children were causing a ruckus during an important Zoom meeting. It was her biggest nightmare.

“I had a Zoom interview at the house with all my kids there, banging on the door, just screaming. And I was literally hiding in a bathroom with the door locked because I was just like, ‘I can’t believe this.’ I mean, I can believe it, but that’s, like, my biggest nightmare.”

Kim also discussed her sister, Khloé, who has two children, True and Tatum. Kim admires Khloé’s ability to set boundaries and be firm with her kids, something she struggles with.

“Sometimes, it gets a little intense. I wanna be more strict like Khloé, but I don’t know why I have a hard time just saying ‘no is no.’ I think I also don’t wanna deal with the whining and the tears of not getting their way… I just have to be like, ‘I don’t care if you’re going to throw a tantrum in front of everyone right now. The answer’s no.’”

Kim admitted that her children know how to manipulate her emotions. They can use tears to get their way, and she ends up giving in to avoid the tantrums.

“They know when to con me,” Kim added, explaining that her children will “start with the tears, so [she’ll] be like, ‘Stop, stop. Sure, take the iPad. Just stop.’”

Kim also reflected on how her oldest son, North, would have benefited from her being stricter.

“I took her phone, and after a day, I gave it to her. I’m such a pushover. But I took it for 24 hours,” she said. “Neither one of my parents was strict. I’m just one person, and it’s overwhelming. Just, how do I go about doing this all?”

Having the children the majority of the time can take an emotional toll on Kim. But she wants to emphasize that she will always be there for her kids and will ride out anything with them.

“I’ll always be there for my kids, and I will ride out anything with them,” the star emphasized. “But, to say that it doesn’t take an emotional toll sometimes would be lying. Managing four kids and a household when they’re not getting along, and they all want different things, and I’m only one person…”

It’s important to remember that Kim does have help and financial resources, but parenting is still a challenging task.

“Obviously, having nannies and a chef to help cook is beyond helpful. It’s all about family and enjoying these moments. It takes a village to raise kids, but at the end of the day, your kids only want you,” she shared.

Kim acknowledges that even with assistance, her kids’ struggles have nothing to do with the level of help she has. Being a single mom is a tough job, but she is determined to hang in there and do her best for her children.

We know it isn’t easy, Kim. Hang in there!