He Wanted Everyone at the Wedding to Know His New Wife Wasn’t Pure

When a couple gets married, they expect to start their marriage on a positive note. However, sometimes there are unexpected surprises that come up, even at the last minute. This was the case for one woman who found out something shocking just before her wedding.

The woman, who we’ll call OOP, had been with her fiancé, Ryan, for six years and they were engaged for eight months. OOP had been doing most of the wedding planning, with Ryan giving his input here and there. But about a month ago, Ryan dropped a bombshell on her.

Out of nowhere, Ryan told OOP that he didn’t want her to wear a white wedding dress. This confused and surprised OOP, as wearing white on your wedding day is a tradition for many couples. She thought maybe Ryan had an artistic reason behind it, but she was set on wearing white.

When OOP finally picked and paid for her dress two weeks ago, it caused a huge argument between her and Ryan. He was annoyed and demanded to see the dress, but OOP refused, wanting it to be a surprise. When she revealed it would be white, Ryan threw a fit.

Ryan’s reason for not wanting OOP to wear white was shocking. He believed that brides only wear white when they are pure, and he felt that OOP wearing white would be deceiving the guests. This belief stemmed from his insecurities about OOP’s past sexual experiences.

OOP and Ryan had a difficult first year of dating because of Ryan’s insecurities about her previous partner. However, they had moved past it and it hadn’t been an issue until now. Ryan even went to his mom for support, but she sided with OOP, stating that Ryan was no longer a virgin either.

This situation left OOP questioning her relationship with Ryan and whether she should marry him. She was disgusted by his insecurity and realized that this was not a healthy mindset. Many commenters on Reddit agreed that Ryan’s behavior was unacceptable and encouraged OOP to break up with him.

OOP didn’t comment further, but she later posted an update on r/dating_advice. She had broken off the engagement and was preparing for her first date in six years. She sought advice on what to wear to a nice waterfront seafood restaurant in North Carolina in November.

In conclusion, OOP discovered a disturbing aspect of her fiancé’s mindset just before their wedding. His belief that brides should only wear white if they are pure revealed deep-seated insecurities and a lack of respect for OOP. It became clear that this was not a healthy relationship, and OOP made the brave decision to break off the engagement and move on.