Boy Saves His Sister From Abduction with His Slingshot

Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes when we least expect it. This inspiring story highlights the bravery of a young boy who stepped up to protect his sister when danger struck.

Boy Grabs His Slingshot And Stops Stranger From Abducting His Sister

In Michigan, 13-year-old Owen Burns became a hero in his own right when he used his slingshot to save his 8-year-old sister from a potential abduction. One ordinary day, while his sister was out looking for mushrooms near the woods by their property, a 17-year-old man emerged and attempted to drag her away. In the face of this threat, Owen quickly took action.

From the safety of his bedroom window, Owen skillfully aimed with his slingshot, hitting the assailant in the chest and head from a distance of over 200 feet. This precise shot allowed his sister to escape to safety, all because Owen wasn’t afraid to act.

Reflecting on the incident, Owen modestly shared, “I shot him in the head and chest, and she starts running.” His quick thinking and accurate aim not only saved his sister but also helped the authorities identify and apprehend the assailant. The distinctive markings from the slingshot’s projectiles left no doubt of the attacker’s guilt. He now faces charges of attempted kidnapping and other offenses.

This remarkable act of courage not only protected the Owen family but also demonstrated the strength and bravery of a young boy who refused to be a bystander. It serves as a reminder that heroes can emerge when everyday individuals like Owen step forward to make a difference.