Baby Who Overcame Tragic Oven Incident Thrives 14 Years Later; Achieves Remarkable Milestone

In 2002, a deeply shocking incident unfolded in Prattville, Alabama, when a 14-month-old baby named Ashley was discovered inside an oven by her father, Robert Smith. The child’s mother, Melissa Wright, had callously placed her in the oven and subjected her to intense heat of 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Miraculously, Ashley survived this horrifying ordeal, but not without enduring extensive third-degree burns, which required 28 surgeries over the span of a decade.

Today, Ashley is a resilient 15-year-old, about to embark on her freshman year of high school. Meanwhile, her mother remains confined in prison, serving her sentence for this heinous act. Recently, Ashley made a plea to the parole board, urging them to deny her mother’s release.

In 2003, Wright stood trial for her unforgivable actions. She eventually pleaded guilty to charges of attempted murder and was sentenced to 25 years behind bars. Prior to admitting her guilt, Wright had attempted to deceive the court, claiming that Ashley accidentally fell into the oven while she was holding her, and the door closed on its own. However, this falsehood was quickly debunked by the prosecution. Desperate to evade punishment, Wright resorted to another tactic, asserting that she had heard voices commanding her to place Ashley in the oven.

Just this past July, Wright was considered for early release, but her plea was rejected. Ashley firmly believes that her mother deserves to serve her full sentence, and her attorney has formally expressed this request. As a result, Wright will not be eligible for parole until 2021.

Interestingly, Ashley’s sister, Courtney Brenson, holds a different opinion. Brenson visits Wright in prison and believes that their mother has changed, citing an improvement in her mental health. However, Ashley stands firm in her belief that Wright should face more time behind bars for the immense suffering she inflicted upon her. Ashley does admit to forgiving her mother, but she does not harbor any love for her either.

After the traumatic incident, Ashley was raised by her paternal aunt and uncle, who she considers to be her true parents. Despite the haunting experiences of her infancy, Ashley remains undeterred in pursuing a fulfilling life. She is eagerly preparing to embark on her high school journey, with aspirations to attend college and ultimately become a surgeon at a children’s hospital. Ashley hopes to provide the same compassionate care that she received as a child, contributing to the well-being of other young patients.