A Friendly Game on a Plane

Once upon a time, on a long flight, a lawyer and a senior citizen found themselves sitting next to each other. The lawyer, thinking seniors were easy targets, decided to play a game with the older gentleman. However, all the senior wanted was some peace and quiet, as he tried to catch a few moments of rest.

Undeterred, the lawyer insisted that the game would be great fun. He proposed the rules: he would ask the senior a question, and if he couldn’t answer, he would only have to pay the lawyer $5. In turn, the senior could ask the lawyer a question, and if the lawyer couldn’t answer, he would owe the senior $500.

Intrigued by the offer and eager to keep the lawyer at bay, the senior reluctantly agreed to play the game. The lawyer went first and posed his question, “What’s the distance from the Earth to the Moon?” Without uttering a single word, the senior reached into his pocket, pulled out a five-dollar bill, and handed it to the lawyer.

Now it was the senior’s turn. He asked the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?” The lawyer, determined to win, searched high and low. He scoured his laptop, contacted all his intelligent friends, but couldn’t find the answer anywhere. After an entire hour of fruitless searching, the lawyer surrendered and woke up the senior, who was peacefully asleep.

With a sense of victory, the senior collected $500 from the lawyer and promptly went back to sleep. Meanwhile, the lawyer was left in a state of bewilderment, desperate to know the answer. He woke up the senior once more and pleaded, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?”

Unfazed, the senior simply reached into his pocket, handed the lawyer $5, and resumed his peaceful slumber.