My Ex-husband’s New Wife Unexpectedly Contacted Me

When my ex-husband’s new wife reached out to me, it was like reopening old wounds. Let me take you back five years: my world was shattered when Kevin, my then-husband, sent me a text message meant for his mistress. It said, “I hate Bridget… She can’t even give me a baby.” That message revealed his affair and his resentment towards me, leading to our divorce. As part of our separation, I got half of everything, including a silent partnership in his company.

Kevin went on to marry Jess, the same woman he had been cheating with. I tried to move on with my life until one day, out of the blue, Jess contacted me. Her message read, “Kevin’s new wife here. I need your help… Only you can save me.”

Feeling a mix of curiosity and hesitation, I agreed to meet her. When we met, Jess revealed that she was pregnant, and Kevin wanted her to terminate the pregnancy due to financial concerns. She was desperate and scared, pleading for my help.

I decided to offer my support to Jess, though not with money. Instead, I offered her my lake house as a safe haven and legal support to help navigate her situation. I also contacted my lawyer and initiated an audit of Kevin’s company, suspecting he was hiding something.

The audit uncovered significant financial irregularities, which sent shockwaves through Kevin’s business. “You’re ruining me,” Kevin accused, but I calmly replied, “You did this to yourself.”

With Kevin’s company and reputation in shambles, Jess and I grew closer. She decided to keep the baby, and I supported her throughout her pregnancy. One peaceful day by the lake, she looked at me and said, “I don’t know what I would have done without you, Bridget.” I smiled and responded, “We women have to stick together.”

In the end, justice was served. Kevin learned the hard way that what goes around truly comes around.