A Prophetic Warning from Paul Harvey

In 1965, radio commentator Paul Harvey delivered a broadcast warning that would resonate with millions of people across America. With a weekly audience of nearly 24 million, his programs captivated listeners for over four decades. Little did anyone know that his words, spoken 53 years ago, would prove to be eerily accurate.

Paul Harvey made this forecast in 1965. Now hear His Terrifying Words…

Listening back to this announcement still sends shivers down people’s spines. It’s as if Paul Harvey had foreseen the future and predicted everything that we are experiencing today.

“If I Were the Devil…”

Paul begins his “prophesy” by contemplating what the Devil would do if given the opportunity to wreak havoc on the world. His words are thought-provoking and profound. Here are some excerpts:

“If I were the Prince of Darkness, I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.”

He goes on to describe his sinister plans, infiltrating minds and manipulating society to embrace darkness and chaos. He talks about spreading doubt and disbelief, promoting vice and indolence, and eroding the values that hold us together.

A Stark Reality

When you listen to Paul Harvey’s warning, it feels as if he is describing the world we live in today. The issues he raised over 54 years ago are the very issues we face now. It’s astonishing how accurate his observations were back then.

He talked about undermining religion, patriotism, and moral conduct, convincing the young generation that traditional values and beliefs were obsolete. He spoke about infiltrating various institutions, promoting destructive behaviors, and glorifying vices. The detailed picture he painted of a society in decline is hauntingly familiar.

Reflections on Paul Harvey’s Warning

Many of us have our own personal memories of listening to Paul Harvey’s broadcasts. The impact of his words was profound, and the truths he spoke continue to resonate with us today. His foresight and understanding of the human condition were truly extraordinary.

Take a moment to listen to his speech in the video below. As you do, reflect on his words and consider how they have manifested in our world. Let us know your thoughts and how you feel about the accuracy of his warning.