She Is Furious Because Her Boyfriend Keeps ‘Forgetting’ His Credit Card When Eating Out

When you’re in a relationship, you expect trust in all matters, including financial ones. Unfortunately, not everyone is worthy of that trust. One woman found this out the hard way when her boyfriend kept “forgetting” his credit card every time they went out to eat.

It was an incredibly frustrating situation for her, and she didn’t know how to handle it. Seeking some guidance, she turned to Reddit in the hopes of finding some validation for her feelings or a solution to the problem.

The Pattern of Forgetfulness

The woman explained that she had been dating her boyfriend for nine months. He had two young children who loved going out to eat, so they would go out once a week. However, on each occasion, he conveniently “forgot” his credit card, leaving her to foot the bill. This not only left her frustrated but also financially strained.

A Last Straw

One day, the woman had had enough. She had just received her payment from her part-time job and reminded her boyfriend not to forget his credit card before they went out to eat with the kids. Despite her efforts, he still managed to “forget” it again. As they sat at the table, ready to eat, she brought up the credit card, only to see the shock in his face as he realized he didn’t have it. He apologized and asked her to pay “just this time.”

Standing Up for Herself

Enough was enough. The woman decided she couldn’t continue paying for him and the kids every single time. She promptly got up, grabbed her things, and walked out, leaving her boyfriend and the kids to enjoy their dinner.

The Aftermath

Later on, the boyfriend called her and expressed his anger, criticizing her for leaving him and the kids in that situation. He accused her of lacking sympathy for him and the kids. They got into an argument, with him even questioning her treatment of the kids and accusing her of selfishness.

This story showcases the frustration and resentment that can arise when financial trust is breached in a relationship. It’s important to have open and honest conversations about money matters early on to avoid such conflicts. Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and it should extend to all aspects, including finances.