Beauty Beyond Skin Deep

Beauty is often said to be in the eye of the beholder, but Marianna Bowering, a talented makeup artist and devoted mother, knows that true beauty goes beyond appearances. Hailing from Australia, she has leveraged social media to make a positive impact for both herself and her daughter.

They Called The Baby Hideous But Wait Till You See Her Now

Angelica, Marianna’s precious child, was born with birthmarks on her face. Unfortunately, many people were unkind and made hurtful comments about her appearance. Nonetheless, Marianna’s incredible makeup skills allowed her to transform perceptions and showcase a message of love and acceptance.

Born on May 6th, 2018, Angelica carries a heart-shaped port wine stain birthmark from her chin to her forehead. Initially taken aback by her unique feature, Marianna and her husband quickly embraced it as an integral part of their daughter’s identity.

Sadly, the family faced bullying due to Angelica’s birthmark. Online, when Marianna shared pictures of her daughter, some individuals went so far as to call her hideous and even speculated about her future prospects of finding a partner. However, Marianna knew better than to let such ignorance define her daughter.

For many children, birthmarks like Angelica’s deepen as they grow older. While some cases can be treated with laser therapy, they often persist, leading to various difficulties, including bullying. Moreover, there is an increased risk of conditions such as glaucoma and Sturge-Weber syndrome in children with these birthmarks.

Marianna and her husband, determined to support their daughter, ensure she receives regular check-ups with a doctor. Yet, despite their efforts, hurtful comments persisted. One comment, in particular, was exceptionally cruel, likening Angelica’s face to being pressed into a hot skillet, implying it looked grilled or burnt. Such words caused immense emotional pain for Marianna and her family.

But Marianna refused to remain silent. Instead, she chose to confront the bullies and raise awareness about port wine stains. In a powerful show of unity, she even drew a heart on her own face. Through Instagram, Marianna shares pictures and stories, receiving unwavering support from her followers.

When you see the love and joy in Angelica’s eyes as she looks at her mother, it becomes evident that Marianna’s actions go beyond her own family. By working together, they have not only empowered Angelica but also shown the world the incredible impact that can be made when families stand strong.