They Should Have Looked Closer Before Taking The Picture

Having your picture taken before school is something that children have been doing since photographs were available. It’s a special moment captured to mark the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year.

A seventh-grade student named Brooke Mills had her picture taken in Auburn, Alabama. It was a typical picture, taken in the yard in front of a tree. Little did they know, something unexpected was lurking in the background.

Although it’s common to take pictures in the same location every year, this photo had a surprise in store. Something that didn’t show up right away when they first looked at the scene. But upon closer inspection, the unexpected guest became clear.

Can you spot it? If not, don’t worry, many people missed it too. In the picture, Brooke is smiling beautifully, stealing the show. But if you look closely enough, you’ll notice that there is a snake coiled up on the tree behind them.

The mother, ShaneJoy Mills, was the one taking the picture. She was startled when she noticed the snake in the background. It gave her a fright but also made the picture unforgettable. She quickly called her daughter over, insisting that they move away from the tree.

The snake blended in so well with the tree that it was hard to spot at first. However, commenters on social media have identified it as a rat snake. Regardless, this unexpected visitor turned an ordinary photo into a memorable one.

Now, whenever Brooke and her mother look at this picture, they will remember it not only as the start of a new school year but also as that time a sneaky snake decided to photobomb their special moment.