My Husband Says It’s Not “His Responsibility” to Pay for My Son’s Tuition

Balancing finances in a blended family can be tough. Kate, a Bright Side reader, is dealing with her husband’s refusal to contribute to her son’s college tuition. Instead, he spends money on what Kate considers less important things. We provided her with some advice on how to navigate this difficult situation.


Thank you for sharing, Kate! Here are some tips we hope can help you.

Seeking Mediation through Counseling

Consider setting up a family counseling session where you and your husband can discuss your concerns in a mediated setting. A counselor can help guide the conversation, ensuring that your son’s future is prioritized while addressing your husband’s worries about parental responsibility.

Explore Financial Planning Options and Find Compromises Together

Sit down with your husband and have an open conversation about creating a comprehensive financial plan that covers both your son’s education and his son’s expenses. Brainstorm creative solutions, such as setting up a savings plan for your son’s tuition while budgeting for other expenses and celebrations. Emphasize the importance of investing in your son’s education for his future success, while also acknowledging the significance of celebrating milestones in your stepson’s life.

Seeking Legal Consultation

If your husband insists that your son is no longer his responsibility now that he’s 18, it may be wise to seek legal advice regarding guardianship and financial support. Consult with a lawyer to understand the implications of your husband’s declaration on guardianship and financial responsibilities. Explore legal options available to ensure your son’s educational needs are met, whether through potential legal obligations or alternative sources of funding.

Tap into Community Support and Networks

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your extended family, friends, and community resources for support and advice. Connect with other parents and educational organizations to explore scholarship opportunities, mentorship programs, or part-time work options for your son to contribute towards his tuition. Creating a support network around your son will offer both practical assistance and emotional reassurance during this difficult period.

Remember, Kate, you are not alone in facing these challenges. Amanda, another mom in a blended family, also faced a surprising situation when her husband asked her daughter to skip his birthday party. You can read her full story here.